General English — Video zone, British Council LearnEnglish


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Video zone

Do you enjoy watching YouTube videos in English?

In this section, watch YouTube videos on a wide range of topics, including science, psychology, entertainment, culture, nature and sport. The videos are specially selected for upper intermediate (CEFR level B2) and advanced (CEFR level C1) learners of English.

You will develop your ability to understand a variety of accents and speakers, as well as a range of colloquial and idiomatic language in context. Each video has a transcript and interactive exercises to help you understand the language.

Choose a video

Do you give your friends and family presents on special occasions? Watch this video to see how you can wrap gifts in an eco-friendly way.

Have you heard of British fashion designer Katharine Hamnett? Watch her talking about sustainable fashion in this video.

London has many well-known landmarks, but it also has its hidden gems. In this video, you can learn about a garden paradise in the heart of the UK capital.

It’s amazing what you can build out of Lego. But … an arm?! This video shows us that anything is possible …

In this video, climate activists Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot tell us how we should use nature to tackle the climate crisis.

What’s the strangest animal in the ocean? In this video, scientists exploring the deep ocean make a weird (yet wonderful) discovery.

Are you adventurous when it comes to food? Watch this video about a famous Italian food – would you be brave enough to try it?

Did you know that flamingos are white when they are born? This video shows the fascinating red milk that they drink to give them their beautiful pink colour.

This video honours the great women of science who have changed the world forever! How many of these famous female scientists do you know about?

World Water Day is 22 March. This video explores the global water crisis, and how we can help everybody gain access to safe drinking water.

Game of Thrones is a TV series known for its battle scenes. In this video, watch two of the show’s most popular actresses preparing to film their characters’ dramatic fight.

Learn a simple recipe for making delicious pancakes with British chef Jamie Oliver.

Which information is more important to the human brain: what we see or what we feel? Watch a psychologist trying to answer this question with a simple demonstration.

You may think of Santa as living at the North Pole. But this Santa Claus lives in the USA. Is he real? Watch the video to find out!

What happens when three young girls meet the women doing their dream jobs? In this video, we see the importance of positive female role models.

Did you ever dream of being a superhero when you were younger? This man runs a charity that helps all children make that dream a reality.

Guy Martin is a professional motorbike racer. In this video, he tries to ride a motorbike on water. Can he ride fast enough to do it?

A cuttlefish is a common sea animal with an amazing ability to change appearance. Are there any limits to this ability? Watch this video to find out.

We usually think of fruit as a healthy food. But could it also have some negative effects?

London is not famous for its hot weather. But a new building has turned a London street into one of the hottest places on the planet!

Dolphins are much more intelligent than humans when it comes to fishing: they don’t even need a net. Watch this video to see how they do it.

Cucumber or grapes? What happens when two monkeys do the same task but get ‘paid’ in different ways? Watch this funny video to find out how monkeys react to inequality.

The emotion of fear is essential for humans to survive. So why is it that babies have no fear of snakes?

Is it a bad thing if children tell lies? Scientists don’t think so. This short video explains why.

The FIFA World Cup is here again! What’s the most important thing to do when you’re watching your team play? In this video, football fans from England hear about things they need to.

Becoming a refugee is something that could happen to any of us. In this video, famous people from around the world talk about the importance of helping people who are escaping difficult.

Tindy left Rwanda when he was just a teenager and moved to the UK as a refugee. There, he met the famous actress Emma Thompson and was adopted by her. In this video, they describe Tindy’.

In this game show, why does the host Mel get just as stressed as the contestant Lindsey? Watch and find out!

Yes, that’s right – wolves can change rivers! Watch this video and find out how.

How does it feel to wear a crown? In this video, the Queen tells us some secrets about her very special Imperial State Crown.

Watch five-year-old JJ describing three famous paintings to professional art critics. Can the experts guess the paintings correctly?

Learn how to make a lemon pavlova – a dessert made of meringue with cream and almonds on top – and amaze your friends and family. Delicious!

Orang-utans use sticks to catch insects, but do you think they would use human tools? Watch this video and find out!

Oussama, a Syrian man living in Turkey, talks about how important education and English are for his life and future.

Can elephants learn to work together to complete a task that they cannot achieve on their own?

How well do social media posts show real life? What is the impact of social media posts on how we feel about our lives? Watch this thought-provoking short film by Paul Howard Allen on.

In this video, Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti tells us about the healthy snacks that she eats in the spaceship.

Would you like to stay in a hotel made out of salt? Watch this video to find out more about this unusual hotel in Bolivia.

James’s Free English Lessons

If you TRY, you can do anything! It’s always been my belief that you cannot put information in other people’s heads. If you find a way to show them something, they can use their own intelligence to learn. This is my approach to teaching, trying to be both informative while allowing the students to find their own way of learning. I’ve spent the last 12 years teaching in various capacities.

I’ve taught martial arts to kids and developed a curriculum that was geared specifically to enhance their development.

I spent several years, first as a volunteer and then professionally, working with children suffering from autism and Asperger’s — trying to help them learn to deal with the world around them and to learn from their environment. Finally, it was while helping a child that I was asked to work at the Toronto School Board. While I was there, I helped out with kids who were learning English, and my love of teaching ESL began.

Teachers or other English schools who are interested in using these lessons, please go ahead and use them. That’s what they’re here for!

If you want to learn more about English grammar, vocabulary, and idioms, or if you have any other English questions or suggestions, feel free to go to the engVid forum and leave a message.

I hope you find the lessons fun, and valuable to helping you on your journey of English learning. Thanks for the support. what are you waiting for? Subscribe already.

EngV > > Блог об английском языке > Сайты по английскому языку > – видеоуроки английского от носителей языка

Все мы не раз слышали, что лучше всего брать уроки английского языка у… носителей английского языка! Кому как не учителю-англичанину (американцу, канадцу, австралийцу и т. д.) лучше знать, когда употреблять Present Perfect, а когда Present Continuous, в чем разница между though и although или чем отличаются разные варианты английского. К счастью для нас, очень многому можно научиться, не посещая курсы с преподавателями-иностранцами (которые еще и днем с огнем не сыщешь) и не выезжая за границу. Это возможно с помощью замечательного сайта

Что такое и для кого он предназначен – это образовательный сайт для изучающих английский язык, на нем собраны видеоуроки английского, подготовленные преподавателями-носителями языка. Миссия проекта – “создать качественный образовательный ресурс по английскому языку, доступный каждому” (To make quality English language education available to everyone).

Уроки на рассортированы по трем уровням сложности: Beginner – Intermediate – Advanced. Но должен сразу предупредить, что если вы только приступили к изучению языка, то для вас, возможно, будет сложноват даже Beginner. Большая часть материалов рассчитана на учащихся, имеющих хотя бы базовый словарный запас и понимающих на слух неспешную отчетливую речь (впрочем, можно включить субтитры).

Тематика видеоуроков английского языка

На представлены видеоуроки на самые разные темы, многие снабжены субтитрами. Уроков снято уже более 800 (!), они охватывают грамматику, культурные различия, разные языковые нюансы, словарный запас, идиомы, произношение, акценты, подготовку к TOEFL и IELTS. Пожалуй, нет такой темы в изучении английского языка, которую бы не затронули учителя с

Полезные сайты по английскому языку:

Мне очень нравятся уроки на тему лексики и культуры. В “лексических” уроках преподаватели рассказывают о словах и выражениях на разные темы, особенностях их употребления, о разных тонкостях, которые, как правило, проходят мимо словарей, узнать их можно только от носителя языка. Из “культурных” уроков вы узнаете, к примеру, особенности уличного британского сленга (street British slang), как пройти таможенный досмотр или что такое Хеллоуин.

Команда учителей

Уроки для создает более-менее постоянный штат учителей – очень интересных, талантливых специалистов! Довольно скоро вы будете знать их в лицо, привыкнете к особенностям речи, учителя станут для вас не менее родными, чем ведущий любимого ток-шоу.

У каждого преподавателя свои любимые темы и свой подход к изложению материала. Важно, что команда учителей – интернациональная, вы познакомитесь с разными вариантами английского. Вейлен, к примеру, родом из Сиэтла (США), ее произношение, интонация голоса и даже, пожалуй, жесты совсем не такие, как у Джейд из Великобритании, которая говорит на разновидности английского, характерного для юго-востока Англии (Estuary English). А вот Ронни живет в Канаде, правда отличает ее не столько акцент, сколько эксцентричная манера преподавания. “I’m a bit of a “nutter””, – пишет про себя Ронни (“Я немножко ненормальная”), и с этим трудно не согласиться!

Заключение – полезный ресурс для изучающих английский язык. Помимо тем, представленных в уроках, он хорошо подходит для развития навыка понимания на слух (слушать речь носителей языка). Если вы ищете видеоуроки английского и ваш уровень достаточен для понимания речи нейтив-спикеров, сослужит вам неоценимую службу. будет тяжеловат тем, кто только начал осваивать азы английского, однако чем раньше вы начнете слушать речь носителей языка, тем быстрее научитесь ее понимать.

Успехов вам в изучении английского языка!

Если ваша главная задача сейчас – развитие навыка понимания на слух, обратите внимание на Puzzle English. Этот сервис задуман специально для развития этого навыка, в том числе и у начинающих.

Друзья! Меня часто спрашивают, но сейчас я не занимаюсь репетиторством. Если вам нужен учитель, я ОЧЕНЬ рекомендую этот чудесный сайт — там есть учителя носители (и не носители) языка на все случаи жизни и на любой карман Я советую этот сайт, потому что сам прошел более 80 уроков с учителями, которых там нашел — и советую попробовать вам!

Learn English with YouTube: The 11 Best Channels

Have you tried to learn English with YouTube?

YouTube isn’t just about cats and silly videos anymore.

You’ll quickly find thousands of English learning videos on YouTube—for free.

But then how will you know what to watch?

To help you, I’ve picked my top 11 channels to help you learn English with YouTube. The styles are all very different, but they’re all really fun and interesting.

Wait. Why Should I Learn English with YouTube?

So, you might be asking: “Why should I use learn English with YouTube?”

Here are a few reasons:

  • You might already have books or classroom lessons, but having a variety of materials can promote learning.
  • You can pause and rewind YouTube English videos whenever you need to.
  • Many of the videos let you see the speaker’s mouths. This way you can better understand how their mouths move to create different English sounds.

One of the best reasons to learn English on YouTube is that most of the lessons are short, but convey a lot of information in easy-to-understand ways. There’s no chance of you losing your focus. By dipping into one short lesson a day you will soon notice the difference in your ability to speak English.

Learning any new language is going to be a challenge. But the experience doesn’t have to be painful. You can even find thousands of YouTube videos with extra English learning features on FluentU. FluentU takes YouTube English lessons plus authentic English YouTube videos (like movie trailers, music videos, inspiring speeches, etc.) and adds fun learning tools.

For example, FluentU provides interactive subtitles. You can click any word in the subtitles for an instant definition, memorable picture and examples. Every FluentU English language video also comes with flashcards and fun quizzes to make sure you remember the words you’ve learned.

The videos are conveniently organized by level (beginner to advanced) and you can take them anywhere with the FluentU apps for iOS or Android.

Whether you are a child, teenager or adult, absolute beginner, intermediate or advanced ESL student, YouTube has a lot of English learning videos and channels that are available for free. Hope you enjoy the ones shown here!

Learn English YouTube: 11 Channels You’ve Gotta Subscribe To!

1. Learn English with Misterduncan

This is one of the most popular YouTube channels for English learning videos. It’s easy to see why.

Misterduncan is passionate about his topic. He’s excited about English and you can feel it in these well-made videos. He uses humor a lot of the time to help you learn. Misterduncan teaches English to the world for free and has had a channel on YouTube since 2006.

There are many lessons on topics like the senses, slang, news, fashion and money. They’re easy to watch and are about how the language is spoken instead of grammar.

2. Learn English with

Designed for rapid English language learning, these interesting video lessons cover many aspects of American and British culture. So you can discover more about the countries as you learn their language.

It’s so much more than a YouTube channel! It’s actually a complete English learning program with over 1,000 English language video and audio lessons. You can sign up for free and learn more on their official website, here.

3. Real English

Real English is one of the best YouTube channels for English language beginners and has a large library of free lessons. Each one includes two videos, one with subtitles and one without and a handful of exercises.

It has real people and real-life situations, so you get a true feel for how people really speak English.

4. BBC Learn English

From one of the world’s most famous broadcasting companies (the British Broadcasting Corporation) comes a bunch of free English language lessons. They’re in a variety of formats such as real-life situations, cartoons and interviews.

There’s also a really cool collection of videos for words you’ll hear in the news. The videos are short but filled with a lot of really good information.

Children love being read stories and the British Council’s YouTube channel also features animations of favorite children’s tales including “Goldilocks and the Three Bears,” “Jack and the Beanstalk” and “Little Red Riding Hood.” As with the nursery rhymes, the cartoons are accompanied by subtitles in English.

The channel also features a “word of the week” English language video series where you can see and hear children from around the world say a new word.

6. Business English Pod

You can ask for directions, get a meal in a restaurant and tell the time in English. But what if you’re called on to attend a business meeting conducted in English?

There’s no need to break out into a cold sweat as Business English Pod has it covered with clear and thorough lessons on topics such as supply chain management, finance/economics and contract law.

7. VOA Learning English

VOA is something a bit different. The channel offers subtitled news reports that are read out at slower speeds than normal. This gives the viewer time to hear every word clearly and to see the shape of the announcer’s mouth as he or she reads the script.

8. JenniferESL

English with Jennifer is a rich collection of hundreds of videos that are grouped into easy-to-use playlists. There are lessons for beginners, lessons to improve your writing in English, lessons on grammar and many more.

What marks them out as a cut above the rest is the fresh and simple presentation and the special focus on pronunciation. There are no scripts and no actors, just real, natural English language speaking. In common with many other language learning channels, there is interactivity as well.

9. Britlish

Britlish takes a different approach from many other language learning channels. It concentrates learning around interesting things that you may encounter. For example, there are lessons about the vocabulary you will need at an airport, creepy-crawlies (insects) and types of musical instruments.

The narration is straightforward and accompanied by subtitles and occasionally some fascinating scenes. The lessons all link to follow-up interactive elements on the Britlish website, which are also free.

10. EF podEnglish

Learning English with YouTube is a lot easier with EF podEnglish. These are slick, bite-sized five-minute English lessons that are aimed at English language learners at every level, from absolute beginners to advanced students. They’re well-structured with a three-part lesson plan: watch, learn and try.

There’s a great range of topics, too. These include families, pets, directions, weather, films and technology. Some of the lessons use humor to get the points across. These are welcome touches that make learning easier and ensure that new words are memorized.

11. Learn American English

This channel’s videos are designed to help you learn English quickly and include real American slang, idioms and phrasal verbs.

This is a good introduction to common American words that differ from their English counterparts.

Well, that’s my list of 11 great channels to learn English with YouTube. With these great free English learning videos, nothing stands between you and fluency!

If you liked this post, something tells me that you’ll love FluentU, the best way to learn English with real-world videos.

EnglishBeginner V />Teach Kids to Read with Phonics — Materials for Teaching Phonics

Elementary Videos — Lessons for Elementary ESL

Higher Level ESL Video Lessons

Vocabulary Games for Beginners/Elementary

Listening Memory Games


Self-Grading Quizzes Here:

Beginners English Grammar and Vocabulary Quizzes

Elementary English Grammar and Vocabulary Videos

Pre-Intermediate Level English Grammar and Vocabulary Quizzes

Intermediate Level English Grammar and Vocabulary Quizzes

Upper-Intermediate/Advanced Level English Grammar Quizzes

ESL TV — Videos By Levels — Click Here

Games for Classrooms — Click Here

  • Wheel of Fortune Games for Classroom or Self-study
  • Quiz Show — For Classroom or Self-study
  • Billionaire — Games for Classrooms or Self-study
  • Show Down Quiz — Classroom Game
  • All Games Here — Click Here

Interactive Word Search Puzzles — Click Here

  • Household chores- words about home chores
  • Country and city word search activity
  • Olympic sports vocabulary word search

Interactive Crossword Puzzles — Click Here

  • Word opposites- Beginner adjectives & opposites crosswords
  • Jobs crosswords- Learn vocabulary related to jobs by solving this crossword
  • What’s the weather like? Weather, hot, cold sunny crosswords
  • Interactive Cloze Exercises — Click Here


    Math Exercises — Click Here

    Chinese Lessons Online — Click Here

    Adult Learners’ Exercises — Click Here

    Math Games for Kids- Click Here


    ESL Grammar Games Online — Click Here

    is a free ESL, EFL & ELT site that offers top quality printable and interactive English grammar and vocabulary exercises for teachers and students. These grammar and vocabulary resources will save English teachers lesson planning time and offer students a great free opportunity at online self-study. There are grammar & vocabulary quizzes, crosswords, word search and several fun puzzles that make the learning and teaching of English easy and fun. Pronunciation is one area we have recently added more content. We have added phonetic vowel and consonant exercises in the form of v >

    Course 1 Lessons

    Aim: Teach letters of the alphabet

    Aim: Teach basic greetings – Hello, Hi, Goodbye.

    Aim: To teach kids how to say their names.

    Aim: Teach kids how to say their age and learn numbers 1 to 5.

    Aim: Teach kids how to count from 1 to 10.

    Aim: Teach kids how to describe things through colours.

    Aim: Teach colours vocabulary

    Aim: Teach colours through a colours songs

    Aim: Teach kids names of fruits and how to express likes.

    Aim: Teach kids parts of the body.

    Aim: Teach kids how to express ability using simple action verbs.

    Course 2 Lessons

    Aim: Teach students how to express preference by using vocabulary related to farm animals.

    Aim: Teach words and expressions used when describing family.

    Aim: To teach words and expressions related to classroom items.

    Aim: Teach action verbs

    Aim: Teach various shapes and adjectives to describe size.

    Aim: Teach singular and plurals of nouns and demonstrative pronouns.

    Aim: Teach numbers 10 to 100 and pronunciation differences between long and short vowels.

    Aim: Teach words and expressions related to toys and to ask where things are.

    Aim: Teach days of the week and some things we do weekly.

    Aim: Teach students how to ask about the weather and describe it.

    Aim: Teach students about the things we eat and express want

    Course 3 Lessons

    Aim: Teach names of pets and give a brief description of pets using personality adjectives.

    Aim: Teach students how to tell the time and also how to talk about daily routines.

    Aim: Teach students how to tell the time using quarter to/past/ Half past etc.

    Aim: Teach students months of the year and how to tell dates using months and ordinal numbers.

    Aim: To teach kids how to describe jobs using action verbs.

    Aim: Students will learn how to describe actions in progress using the present progressive.

    Aim: Teach students different means of transport and talk about going around.

    Aim: To learn to describe what someone is wearing.

    Aim: Teach kids prepositions of place, alongside rooms and things at home.

    Aim: Teach kids vegetable vocabulary and how to go shopping for veggies.

    Aim: Teach students extra vegetable vocabulary.

    Aim: Teach kids how to talk about clothes relative to the weather.

    Aim: To teach students how to describe zoo animals by what they eat and look like.

    Detailed Description of English Media Lab

    • 2009-09-06 — ESL Games and Exercises Online — Vocabulary Games, Hangman, Snakes and Ladders, Wheel Game, Maze Games, Memory Games and more
    • 2009-07-01 — Learn Chinese Online. Free Chinese Lessons for Beginners and elementary levels
    • 2009-03 -7 — ESL Kids Lessons, Worksheets, Flashcards and phonics materials
    • 2007-12-7 — Festivals & Holiday vocabulary Videos- Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving
    • 2007-6-19: Pronunciation and intonations updates- Phonetic vowels video, vowels sounds mp3 download, free vowel sounds audio book for both students and teachers ( Teachers please phonetic worksheets here!!
    • 2007-6-10 Fun English exercises with interactive online Crosswords, Word Search & Cloze exercises.
    • 2007-1-7- Building vocabulary through prefixes & suffixes. See our Intermediate, Advanced & Grammar areas for interactive affixes quizzes. For teachers see English word formation Worksheets on the ESL Galaxy. 2006-12-20- Advanced/Upper intermediate quizzes updates. Interactive vocabulary and grammar quizzes for Advanced students have been updated.

    English Media Lab, Free English Video Lessons

    • Beginner video lessons: Learn & teach country names, animal vocabulary, colours, clothes, days more.
    • Elementary video lessons learn vocabulary, related to jobs, clothes,months, vegetables, fruits more.
    • Higher level video lessons. use these videos to learn & teach vocabulary and grammar, adjectives comparatives, superlatives, travel, more..

    ESL Grammar & Vocabulary quizzes, according to levels

    • Beginner ESL quizzes: You will find grammar and vocabulary self-grading exercises for beginners and young learners
    • Elementary ESL quizzes: elementary vocabulary & grammar quizzes, vegetables, clothes & weather and more.
    • Pre-intermediate ESL quizzes: Find quizzes that cover most grammar and vocabulary points of this level. Do exercises with Tag questions, future tenses, simple past tenses,
    • Intermediate ESL quizzes : grammar & vocabulary quizzes, gerunds & infinitives, perfect tenses, past continuous, computer vocabulary quizzes and many more..
    • Upper intermediate & Advanced ESL quizzes: Quizzes for high level students, vocabulary related to things like politics, alternative therapy, banking and much more.

    ESL Online Puzzles , Gap Fills and Cloze Exercises

    • Crossword Puzzles: Solve English Crossword Puzzles online while practicing Grammar and vocabulary
    • Word Search Puzzles: Online word search puzzles for ESL Students to practice grammar and vocabulary in a fun way.
    • Cloze & Gap Fill Exercises: Drag and Drop Cloze Exercise, Spelling and gap fills on line.

    Business and Survival English

    • Business English Quizzes: self-grading vocabulary tests on a number of topics, Banking, negotiations, money idioms, money talk, business across cultures and many more.
    • Survival English: This section deals with English for travelers going to foreign English speaking countries, You will learn words related to going through customs, checking into hotels, travel luggage, passport etc.

    Pronunciation Exercises and Listening

    • Pronunciation and intonation: English pronunciation and intonation exercises, phonetics, diphthongs,word stress quizzes, and more.
    • Listening Exercises: Listening exercises, though not many, for listening practice. Done with a variety of standard English accents. Practice listening here..

    Commercial Area

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    Site Profile& Link

    About this site

    This site was set up in 2006 by Futonge Kisito with students and teachers in mind. The goal was to create a place where students can practice English Online using interactive exercises.It was also for teachers to use as a study lab where they can bring their students for extra practice.

    Teach Math — Math Site Free Math Worksheets, Math Games, Online Quizzes, Video Lessons and eBooks Downloads for Learning and Teaching kindergarten, preschool,1st to 6th grade.

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    Christmas — Hanukkah — New Years • Past Tense • Wh Questions

    English for beginners

    Allegro commercial. Why are you learning English?

    Fun and Entertainment • Wh Questions

    What a Wonderful World — Louis Armstrong

    What are people doing?

    Songs • Wh Questions

    What’s your name?

    Personal information questions quiz and speaking activity.

    Do you like insects?

    ESL Video lesson to practice asking and answering questions in the simple present. beginning

    I like your smile

    Giving and receiving compliments activity for ESL students. More practice with the simple present tense. Ice breaker.

    People and Places • Simple Present

    Jeff’s Alpacas

    Quiz and activity to practice the simple present tense.

    Animals • Simple Present

    Pip | A Short Animated Film

    Pip is the story of a small dog with a big dream—to become a Southeastern Guide Dog. Does she have what it takes?

    Animals • Simple Present

    Lala Penguin Goes Shopping in Japan

    Animals • Simple Present

    Good Samaritan

    Paying it forward with cake. This video focuses on conjugating verbs in positive and negative forms.

    Mr. Bean in the Airport

    Mr. Bean flies first class and almost gets arrested. Video practices positive and negative verb construction.

    Fun and Entertainment • Simple Present

    Unsung Hero

    Asking and answering questions in the past tense.

    Ultimate guide to the best English lessons on Youtube

    Technology is changing the face of ESL and it’s time throw away your dusty textbooks and get online!

    The age of books and blackboards is making way for exciting new learning strategies and internet-based content is king. English lessons on Youtube are an essential part of this new ESL revolution and offer students a new way of engaging with the language. In this comprehensive study guide we review some of the best channels offering English video lessons online.

    Why study English through video?

    Today, the internet is fundamentally changing the way we learn by providing unrestricted access to a vast range of information. According to some sources, streamed video content now accounts for around 50% of all global internet traffic. This statistic shows that more people now prefer to receive information in video format than through reading large volumes of text. ESL is one sphere that has embraced this new trend with open arms. Learners can now opt for a more blended approach to study by incorporating English video lessons into their personal education plans.

    English lessons on Youtube

    Youtube has videos on just about every subject imaginable but it can take time to separate the good apples from the bad. In this comprehensive guide to the best English lessons on Youtube we’ve done the hard work so you don’t have to. Let’s get to the videos!

    Top 10 Youtube channels for English video lessons:

    1) BBC Learning English on Youtube – This official BBC channel contains some great material on British English pronunciation as well as other interesting content covering a wide variety of subject matter. Lessons focus on everything from simple introductions to English grammar issues. Well worth a watch!

    2) British Council Learning English on Youtube – Another well-known British educational establishment offering online video lessons for learners of English. Most content is aimed at younger and lower level learners but there are also videos (especially situational role plays) that may interest all students. English lessons mostly cover simpler aspects of grammar and vocabulary.

    3) James (from Engvid) – Something of an internet celebrity, this American teacher has an engaging style and makes English video lessons with a touch of humour. His videos are for learners of varying levels (see tags) and provide information on modern American English usage. Lessons are conducted in front a whiteboard to improve understanding and retention.

    4) Online Teachers UK – Our very own Youtube channel offering educational videos on a wide range of topics. Alex Jude (Head of OTUK) is a qualified British linguist and provides insights into modern usage as well as specific material on typical mistakes made by Russian speakers in English.

    5) Dave Nicholls – Another experienced British English teacher. His video lessons primarily focus on grammar issues and vocabulary (especially phrasal verbs) but Dave also produces material to assist students with exam preparation. New English lessons are uploaded to Youtube each week so you’ll never need to wait long for the next instalment!

    6) Anglo-Link – Long-established Youtube channel with plenty of lessons from Minno – a British English tutor. The main focus of this channel is on tricky aspects of English grammar and pronunciation. Some videos have been produced in collaboration with other native English teachers, which helps to develop a fuller understanding of the material covered.

    7) Rachel’s English – American accent training from an experienced online teacher. Her video lessons will help you gain a good grasp of American English sounds and how they are produced (some theory involved). There are clear diagrams and Rachel presents her material in a clear and engaging style. Great for those who are learning American English.

    8) Doing English with Julian – A rather eccentric Englishman offering video lessons on learning strategies, lexical distinctions, idioms and other confusing aspects of the English language. Some content is filmed when Julian is out and about, which adds a new dimension to his videos.

    9) Chris Workman – Yet another eccentric Englishman eager to help the ESL world! In his video lessons, Chris explains about everyday English, including regional accents and slang usage. He also has several “sing-along” lessons in which he plays English songs on the guitar. Although his singing may not get him on MTV, his English study videos are certainly worth watching if you’re after something a bit different!

    10) Collolearn – Dubbed by some “The American rapper-tutor”, this teacher has a unique style all of his own! Many of his Youtube videos use rap in the classroom to encourage students (some of whom look a little shocked!) to remember vocabulary through rhyme. An altogether unusual approach, but one that is certain to engage.

    If you like our selection of Youtube English lessons, don’t forget to subscribe to the channels so you get updates on any new videos. Build these learning resources into your own study plan and watch a video a day to improve your English. You can also interact with other learners and teachers via Youtube comments.

    English Video Lessons – Where to find them

    12 Easy to Teach YOU TUBE Lesson Plans Inside!

    English video lessons can really make the classroom fun and interesting. There are many excellent reasons to incorporate a modern and highly produced video into your English class lessons. It raises students interest in the targeted language of the lesson, provides visual and auditory reinforcement of your target language and students can easily access it again after the lesson is done. Finding the best videos can be a challenge so I gathered together the top 5 websites where amazing videos for English video lessons can be found.

    I am not focusing on “Learn English Instructional Videos” at all. I am focusing on videos about cool topics to show your class that will spark speaking activities, discussions, writing activities, and listening activities on highly relevant and modern topics that you can pick to tailor to your student’s interests.

    I won’t go into how to teach with these videos in this post (I’ve got so many ideas on that I put a whole free email course together on it – access it here) but I will direct you to the 5 best places to get the most suitable videos to center communicative speaking English video lessons around. Also I will point out some really useful tools for teachers that make it way easier for you to manage and show the videos in class.

    FIRST the Obvious…

    Yes I know, no big Earth shattering mystery here. However, let me direct you to some corners of YouTube that you are likely to find videos extremely well suited for the English video lesson classroom.

    Great place to find educationally relevant videos organized and classified into academic topics. There are many other channels like this and another good one is GCFLearnFree. Also this is a Huge List of others organized by topic here, they are categorized into many topics and include 101 Channels.

    The best way of course is just to use keyword searches to find great stuff tailor made for you student’s interests. Here are a list of twelve videos I have picked out for my English video lesson classes and made cool lesson plans around.

    SECOND the Inspirational…

    Ted Talks, Ted-Ed, or Tedx videos are usually kept short and to the point. They gather the best minds from around the globe to speak and present on something they are experts on in their given field. These presentations are very inspirational, passionate, modern and well produced. The topics are just endless, 1000’s of English video lessons can be made from the Ted Library all for free.

    THIRD the Spectacular…

    You can expect the best production from NG without a doubt, all videos are in super high definition. They are highly produced, high budget and just simply breathtaking to watch. Most of the clips up on the National Geographic website for free consumption are 1-4 minutes in length making them perfect for English video lessons. The variety of topics available for free is just as vast as what they publish in their magazine and broadcast on their TV channels.

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